Legal Notices

Information on the Site Editor

This site ( is operated by the company Proscien, a simplified joint-stock company (SAS) with a capital of 50,000.00 euros whose registered office is located in Nyons (26110), 51 chemin de la Mochatte, registered in the Trade and Companies Register of Romans under number 900 756 578, acting for the brand "PROSCIEN", registered at the INPI under number 4826379.

Intra-community VAT number: FR969 007 56 578


Telephone number: +33 (0)670 100 250

Director of publication: Jean-Claude Pierre

Information on the Host of the Site

The site is hosted by Privianet, a simplified joint-stock company (SARL) with a capital of 7,500.00 euros whose head office is located in Nyons (26110), 9 rue de la Liberation, registered in the Trade and Companies Register of Romans under number 440 585 297.

Contact: +33 (0)475266814

Personal Data

The site does not contain any cookies and no personal data are collected.

Intellectual Property

This site contains Proscien’s own content (architecture, texts, pictures, …) which is the property of Proscien or its partners.

Access to the Site may not be interpreted as conferring to the User any license or any intellectual property right whatsoever on the Site and/or its content other than that of consulting and browsing the Site.

All rights are strictly reserved. Any representation, reproduction, translation, adaptation or modification not expressly authorized, in whole or in part, on any medium and by any process whatsoever is formally prohibited and would constitute an infringement punishable by Articles L.335-2 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code.

Hypertext Links

The hypertext links set up on this site may lead to the websites of various third parties. We do not control the content and information of these sites, so consulting them is your personal responsibility. The creation of hypertext links cannot be made without our prior authorization. For any request, please contact us:

Update of the Legal Notices

The content of the Site as well as these legal notices may be changed or corrected at any time depending on the situation and/or in order to comply with any new regulations. By continuing to use this site, you agree to these updates.


The information presented on the Site is provided for information purposes only. Proscien, its partners, directors or collaborators may not be held responsible for the use that users may make of the information contained on the Site; Proscien endeavours to include only up-to-date information on the Website. However, Proscien declines all responsibility for any damage whatsoever relating to a connection to this Site or to erroneous information that could incorrectly appear on it.