Introducing Sucrose Olivate, the Newest INCI Name, and ProDermis® SG

A green olive representing olive oil fatty acids combined with a sucrose molecule, labelled 'Sucrose Olivate'.

We have just received approval of another new INCI name from the Personal Care Product Council (PCPC). This new INCI name, Sucrose Olivate, was officially approved and assigned to Proscien’s new product ProDermis® SG by the International Cosmetic Ingredient Nomenclature Committee (INC) after careful reviews.

INCI (International Nomenclature Cosmetic Ingredient) names are systematic names internationally recognized to identify cosmetic ingredients. They are developed by INC and published by PCPC in the International Cosmetic Ingredient Dictionary and Handbook, available electronically as wINCI. Oversight for the INCI program is provided by PCPC as part of its mission to support the identification of the composition of personal care products and the publication of this information in a worldwide, science-based dictionary.

A page from the Personal Care Products Council indicating that for application 2023-11063 submitted by Proscien, Proscien's product ProDermis SG has been assigneed the INCI name Sucrose Olivate.

Sucrose Olivate is an ester composition prepared from locally sourced sucrose and olive oil fatty acids, which are derived from French sugar beets and olive oil, respectively.

The word sucrose was coined in 1857 from the French word sucre (sugar) and the generic chemical suffix for sugars -ose. In nature, sucrose is present in many plants as a form of energy storage. As such, sucrose is generally found in plant roots, fruits and nectars, and many mammals, birds, insects and bacteria accumulate and feed on that sucrose. There are two predominant sugar crops: sugarcane and sugar beets, of which sugar can account for 12% to 20% of the dry weight. Sucrose is obtained through the extraction of these crops with hot water; concentration of the extract yields syrups, from which solid sucrose can be crystallized. The European Union is the world’s leading producer of beet sugar.

We have systematically demonstrated the unique efficacy and safety of Sucrose Olivate. In addition to being natural and sustainable, Sucrose Olivate provides unique emulsifying and rheological performances that enable stable emulsion structure and uniform distribution on skin, the hallmark characteristic of our ProDermis® technology.

Currently, we are in the process of securing registration of this new chemistry in other legislative regions including China. An official global launch of ProDermis® SG is planned after we finish the global approval application processes.