Hydroxytyrosol: The Essence of ProActive® Tanche

A hydroxytyrosol molecule

Olive fruits are rich in antioxidants. During the cold processing of olives for olive oil, only 1-2% of the available pool of antioxidants in olive fruits end up in the oil. The remainder is lost either in olive mill water (approximately 53%) or in the pomace (approximately 45%). ProActive® Tanche is a product based on our proprietary extract process from olive oil processing byproducts.

Because of the unique nature of our extraction process, ProActive® Tanche is extremely rich in olive phenolic antioxidative compounds. In particular, hydroxytyrosol can make up to 5% of ProActive® Tanche.

Recently, the power of hydroxytyrosol has been widely recognized, both in the academic research community and in practical cosmetic applications. Specifically, the following properties of hydroxytyrosol have become focal points:

Antioxidative Power

Hydroxytyrosol is recognized for its extremely high antioxidant capacity, significantly higher than that of vitamin C. It is proven to efficiently neutralize free radicals, protecting the skin from oxidative stress and preventing premature aging, making it a potent weapon against environmental aggressors.

Skin-Aging Protection

By stimulating collagen production, hydroxytyrosol improves skin elasticity and firmness. This helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, contributing to a youthful and rejuvenated complexion.

Skin Cell Regeneration

Hydroxytyrosol supports the regeneration of skin cells, aiding in the repair of damaged tissues and promoting a smoother, healthier skin texture.

Skin Brightening and Even Tone

Hydroxytyrosol inhibits the production of melanin, helping to fade dark spots, hyperpigmentation, and age spots. As such, it aids in achieving a more even skin tone and a radiant complexion.

Stability Under Sunlight

Unlike vitamin C, which can quickly degrade in the presence of light and air, hydroxytyrosol exhibits much better stability. This stability ensures that its beneficial properties are preserved even when exposed to environmental stressors, providing reliable protection throughout the day.

Anti-Inflammatory Effects

Hydroxytyrosol possesses potent anti-inflammatory properties, reducing the inflammatory responses often triggered by harmful sunlight irradiation.

Much has been written and said about the benefits of vitamin C for the skin; its renown is due to its ability to improve skin tone and achieve a more uniform skin texture. Vitamin C has proven to be a game-changer in skincare routines, acting as an anti-inflammatory agent through its high antioxidant capacity. When used consciously, it works as an effective scavenger of reactive oxygen species (ROS). However, it may also cause contraindications or side effects. Some skin types react badly to vitamin C because vitamin C is very unstable and oxidizes when exposed to air, light, and heat. Oxidation causes vitamin C to become less potent, and eventually inactive, over time. As such, to increase stability and absorption, vitamin C products are often formulated at a low acidic pH (2-3.5 or even lower). This may cause skin irritation and other undesirable side effects.

Hydroxytyrosol is the best alternative to vitamin C because of its proven antioxidant benefits: extremely high antioxidant activity, efficacy, stability, and equally important, gentleness.

Hydroxytyrosol is much more stable than vitamin C; studies have shown that it can survive in oxidizing environments. Therefore, hydroxytyrosol’s antioxidant activity remains efficacious and potent for much longer. Since hydroxytyrosol is more stable, it does not need to be formulated at an acidic pH like vitamin C.

ProActive® Tanche, high in olive fruit hydroxytyrosol and other olive phyto-antioxidants, is a safe and effective solution for the skin protection needs of every consumer.