The Aromas

orange and white flowers against a blue sky.

The scents of southeastern France are too complex and evocative to capture in a sentence. There is one distinctive aroma that is often hailed as the signature scent of Provence. Called garrigue, it comes from the bushy, fragrant plants found growing wild on the limestone hills of the Mediterranean coast. This vegetation provides the foundation for the Côte d’Azur’s unique fragrance. It is a heady mix of juniper, thyme, sage and lavender, with the name garrigue used to refer to them collectively.

It is no coincidence that garrigue is a term used in both haute cuisine and wine tasting. The intoxicating scents of southeastern France infuse wine and flavor food. They even permeate culture and history. The link between food, fragrance and southeastern France is one of things that makes this region so special.

Equipped with knowledge of these plants and advanced technologies used to capture and deliver them in a cosmetic-friendly form, Proscien brings the iconic scents of Provence to global cosmetic customers.

A lavender field in bloom against a backdrop of blue mountains.