The Sun
Nyons is known as “Petit Nice” because of its sunny climate and its limpid, dry air, both of which are on par with those of the nearby Côte d'Azur or French Riviera, where Nice is located. In the beauty industry, two hours of sun exposure at noon in the French Riviera is the standard irradiation used for sunscreen efficacy tests.
Sunlight is essential for photosynthesis and is therefore the source of almost all life on Earth. However, excessive sun irradiation causes permanent damage to everything that is exposed. Plants in Nyons had to adapt to the region's high intensity of sunlight in order to prosper. As such, Proscien's sun protection technology is inspired by the surrounding nature in Nyons, which also provides the perfect environment for sun exposure research.
Harnessing the plant chemistry of Nyons, Proscien develops robust sun care ingredients and tests them in the most demanding and realistic application environments.